Tuesday, October 09, 2007


1. Have you felt fatigued now and then for no apparent reason?
2. Do you sometimes feel wooden and lifeless?
3. Have you ever experienced drug flashbacks?
4. Do you feel less alert than you used to?
5. Do you sometimes get a feeling of light headedness or a feeling of being spaced out?
6. Do you feel irritable without reason or cause?
7. Do you have less energy and vitality than you used to?
8. Do you find it difficult to get excited about people or things?
9. Do you find you feel anxious and don't know why?
10. Do you have trouble reading or trouble learning new things even when you are interested in them?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"How to acheive your goals" at The Wednesday Lecture at Sherman Oaks Mission

8 P.M. and Free

Place: Sherman Oaks Dianetics Foundation. Address: 13517 Ventura Blvd.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
RSVP 818-995-3460 and ask for Stephanie or Maria.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Do you want a happy and successful relationship?

Do you feel the love once present in your relationships faded away? There is
an exact reason for that. Your admiration, trust and happiness in
relationships can be restored. Come in for a free interview. You CAN be
happy !
Place: Sherman Oaks Dianetics Foundation. Address: 13517 Ventura Blvd.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Call 818-995-3460 and ask for Stephanie or Maria to set up an appointment.

© 2007 CSLA. All Rights Reserved.

The Wednesday Lecture at Sherman Oaks Mission

Free at 8 P.M. every Wednesday

Place: Sherman Oaks Dianetics Foundation. Address: 13517 Ventura Blvd.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
RSVP 818-995-3460 and ask for Stephanie or Maria.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Check out the web site for Sherman Oaks Mission, Church of Scientology

at http://www.scientology-shermanoaks.org/

Friday, June 29, 2007

This week only the Wednesday Lecture will be on Thursday evening at 8 P. M.
On Wednesday we will be celebrating our nations independance.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wednesday Lecture at the Sherman Oaks Mission
This week the topic will be "How to Make the Right Decision"

Friday, June 08, 2007

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Sherman Oaks Mission host Ruti's Tales of Africa

Find out about progress for human rights in Africa

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Our Bookstore Presents:

Special Course in Human Evaluation Lecture Series – CD

Use the skills of human evaluation in your life:
• Be able to accurately spot a person’s emotional tone level in minutes
• Learn how to find people you can trust and depend on
• Increase your effectiveness in communication by knowing how to precisely spot, match and control tone.

How do you know who to trust? Who to hire or promote? Who to watch out for? How can you infallibly spot a person's Emotional Tone Level?

Here's data covered nowhere else that enables you to penetrate the social veneer and perceive the real person you have in front of you. In fact, you'll know how to gain in minutes the equivalent of years of experience with the person.

Ron details the application of Human Evaluation in the most practical of terms. How do you spot a person's Emotional Tone Level by observing their communication, their attitudes, their reaction to motion, the state of their possessions and much more. And here's how to gain agreement and cooperation from someone in anger, cover hostility, apathy or any other emotional tone.

This is technology for your use — powerful principles to create sanity.

Price: $170.00

To order call (818) 995-3460

Church of Scientology Mission of Sherman Oaks
13517 Ventura Blvd.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423

Phone: (818) 995-3460
E-mail: shermanoaks@scientology.net

© CSMSO. All Rights Reserved. For Trademark Information Privacy Policy

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

You are cordially invited to Friday Night Service
at the Sherman Oaks Mission

Handle tiredness and renew yourself.
Learn practical knowledge about life you can
apply imediately.
Every Friday evening
at 7 P.M.

TEL 818 995 3460

13517 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Do you feel wooden, lifeless, drained of energy?

Do you feel wooden, lifeless, drained of energy? Drugs. Toxins. They ruin
your ability to think clearly and drown your energy. Attend a free lecture
every Tuesday at 7 P.M.
Discover L. Ron Hubbard's Purification Rundown® - the first effective
program designed to rid you of the harmful mental effects of drugs, toxins
and radiation. Change your life!
Place: Sherman Oaks Dianetics Foundation. Address: 13517 Ventura Blvd.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
RSVP 818-995-3460 and ask for Stephanie or Maria.

© 2006 CSLA. All Rights Reserved. PURIFICATION RUNDOWN is a trademark and
service mark owned by Religious Technology Center and is used with its
permission. Services relating to Scientology religious philosophy are
delivered throughout the world exclusively by licensees of the Church of
Scientology International with the permission of Religious Technology
Center, holder of the SCIENTOLOGY and DIANETICS trademarks.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Bring your friends and come yourself for a wonderful Friday Night get-together.
A Scientology lecture followed by group processing will fill you up with energy and life !
Call (818) 995-3460 and ask for Stephanie.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Monday, January 29, 2007

You can find out what Scientology is really about by watching this exclusive interview with Mr. Hubbard himself.

This video is available for you at our Bookstore or you can come and watch it for free at our Mission.

To order your own copy of this DVD e-mail us back or call (818) 995-3460 and ask for Maria or Christopher.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Monday, January 15, 2007

Watch the ONLY video interview with Mr. Hubbard himself and find out what Scientology is really about.

"After having viewed the interview with L. Ron Hubbard in 'An Introduction to Scientology', I was impressed with the quality of character, the humor honesty and integrity of this man, which shone through from his center of being. It was powerful and moving to see how his experiences in life, his vast knowledge and intelligence had created within him a noble purpose and lifelong dedication to helping his fellow humans emerge from the shadows of illusion to the full light of a higher consciousness of the nature of their real unlimited potential: their true selves.

"The vigor and love this man carried, the light and humor in his sparkling eyes, this sincerity of his smile, the depth of his wisdom were apparent in his considered responses to life's ageless questions: who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? How can I become a better and more effective being?

"How he carries himself with peace and equanimity in the sure knowledge of himself, the efficacy of his work and techniques and the tangible results of his technology.

"And when confronting the naysayers, the opposition, one sees a man who is fully composed, without rancor or self-doubt and with wise words, addresses the issues with clarity and a benevolent spirit. This humor is a gift to us all: a being who comprehends, describes and clarifies the underlying truth beyond a seeming world, the substratum to the illusion. A man so couched in certainty and spiritual richness as to be a beacon to us all: calling us all to a higher and nobler life."


Thursday, January 11, 2007